The Relational Data book

Table t_eu_country

SQL script



This table contains data of the EU member states, plus a few more countries and/or Fürstentums. Data was retrieved from the excellent "Interinstitutional Style Guide" from the "Publications Office of the EU". (see .. source-131405805 or if this link is expired, do a search on Complementary data (eg name of Iceland) was gotten from the internet.

Table structure

create table t_eu_country (
    cceu varchar(4) primary key,
    cc2 varchar(4),
    cc3 varchar(4),
    short_name varchar(64),
    short_name_en varchar(64),
    official_name_en varchar(256),
    eu_entry_date date,
    eu_exit_date date,
    schengen_implementation_date date

create unique index i_eu_country_cc2 on t_eu_country (cc2);
create unique index i_eu_country_cc3 on t_eu_country (cc3);

Sample query

select  cceu, cc2, short_name, eu_entry_date 
from t_eu_country
where current_date between eu_entry_date and eu_exit_date;
 cceu | cc2 |   short_name    | eu_entry_date 
 BE   | BE  | Belgique/België | 1958-01-01
 DE   | DE  | Deutschland     | 1958-01-01
 FR   | FR  | France          | 1958-01-01
 IT   | IT  | Italia          | 1958-01-01
 LU   | LU  | Luxembourg      | 1958-01-01
 NL   | NL  | Nederland       | 1958-01-01
 DK   | DK  | Danmark         | 1973-01-01
 IE   | IE  | Éire/Ireland    | 1973-01-01
 EL   | GR  | Ελλάδα          | 1981-01-01
 ES   | ES  | España          | 1986-01-01
 PT   | PT  | Portugal        | 1986-01-01
 AT   | AT  | Österreich      | 1995-01-01
 FI   | FI  | Suomi/Finland   | 1995-01-01
 SE   | SE  | Sverige         | 1995-01-01
 CY   | CY  | Κύπρος          | 2004-05-01
 CZ   | CZ  | Česko           | 2004-05-01
 EE   | EE  | Eesti           | 2004-05-01
 HU   | HU  | Magyarország    | 2004-05-01
 LT   | LT  | Lietuva         | 2004-05-01
 LV   | LV  | Latvija         | 2004-05-01
 MT   | MT  | Malta           | 2004-05-01
 PL   | PL  | Polska          | 2004-05-01
 SI   | SI  | Slovenija       | 2004-05-01
 SK   | SK  | Slovensko       | 2004-05-01
 BG   | BG  | България        | 2007-01-01
 RO   | RO  | România         | 2007-01-01
 HR   | HR  | Hrvatska        | 2013-07-01
(27 rows)

Notes and watchouts

CCEU is not always CC2

Primary key cceu is the 2-letter code designated to a country, as used within the European institutions. It differs from other public data sets (eg. from UN), for these records:

select cceu, cc2, cc3, short_name from t_eu_country where cceu!=cc2;

 cceu | cc2 | cc3 |   short_name    
 UK   | GB  | GBR | United  Kingdom
 EL   | GR  | GRC | Ελλάδα

There are more countries in this table, than just the EU members.

Or you could ask: what are Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein doing here? Answer: They are part of the Schengen area.

select  cceu, short_name, schengen_implementation_date
from t_eu_country
where eu_entry_date='9999-12-31' 
 cceu |  short_name   | schengen_implementation_date 
 CH   | Switzerland   | 2008-12-12
 IS   | Ísland        | 2001-03-25
 LI   | Liechtenstein | 2011-12-19
 NO   | Norge         | 2001-03-25

So if you want a list only of the member states, always include this clause:

where current_date between eu_entry_date and eu_exit_date;

Sample data for populating an RDBMS

Various data that can serve well for trying out sql, maybe in combination with other geographical data.

Notes by Data Munging Ninja. Generated on momo:/home/willem/sync/20151223_datamungingninja/relational_data at 2020-05-31 17:27