Simple Sales Prediction

Divide to get ω₁

    val a4=a3.withColumn("w1", col("sum(pxy)")/col("sum(pxx)") )



|      shop|product|           sum(pxy)|          sum(pxx)|                  w1|
|  megamart|  bread| 1025.6277999999998|142.72660000000002|   7.185961131281762|
|  megamart| cheese|           -83.6016|124.39869999999998| -0.6720456081936549|
|  megamart|   milk|  4.699600000000002|          100.0994|0.046949332363630567|
|  megamart|   nuts|  466.9998999999999|             143.0|   3.265733566433566|
|  megamart| razors|           -69.4553|120.90820000000001| -0.5744465635912204|
|  megamart|   soap|              -11.0|             110.0|                -0.1|
|superstore|  bread|           596.8173|136.18159999999997|   4.382510559429469|
|superstore| cheese|0.39890000000000114|          128.8991|0.003094668620649...|
|superstore|   milk|-2.5002999999999993|          104.0996|-0.02401834397058...|
|superstore|   nuts|         -2096.0004|             143.0| -14.657345454545453|
|superstore| razors|-285.00030000000004|             143.0| -1.9930090909090912|
|superstore|   soap|           -11.0003|             110.0|-0.10000272727272727|

Calculate ω₀

Glue column ω₁ onto aggregation dataframe a2 (which has the averages), so that we can compute ω₀ from the formula:

    val a5= a2.join( a4, Seq("shop","product"), "leftouter").



|      shop|product| avg_x|    avg_y|                  w1|
|  megamart|  bread|6.4545| 461.2727|   7.185961131281762|
|  megamart| cheese|   6.4|     56.4| -0.6720456081936549|
|  megamart|   milk|   6.7|     27.9|0.046949332363630567|
|  megamart|   nuts|   6.5|1341.6666|   3.265733566433566|
|  megamart| razors| 6.909| 519.5454| -0.5744465635912204|
|  megamart|   soap|   7.0|      8.0|                -0.1|
|superstore|  bread|6.2727| 398.7272|   4.382510559429469|
|superstore| cheese|   6.9|     56.4|0.003094668620649...|
|superstore|   milk|   7.3|     33.5|-0.02401834397058...|
|superstore|   nuts|   6.5|1279.1666| -14.657345454545453|
|superstore| razors|   6.5| 352.3333| -1.9930090909090912|
|superstore|   soap|   6.0|      7.2|-0.10000272727272727|

Now calculate w0:

    val a6=a5.withColumn("w0", col("avg_y") - col("w1") * col("avg_x") ) 



|      shop|product| avg_x|    avg_y|                  w1|                w0|
|  megamart|  bread|6.4545| 461.2727|   7.185967535361064|  414.890872543012|
|  megamart| cheese|   6.4|     56.4| -0.6720257234726688| 60.70096463022508|
|  megamart|   milk|   6.7|     27.9| 0.04695304695304696|27.585414585414583|
|  megamart|   nuts|   6.5|1341.6667|   3.265738461538462|         1320.4394|
|  megamart| razors|6.9091| 519.5455| -0.5744354248425476| 523.5143317937795|
|  megamart|   soap|   7.0|      8.0|                -0.1|               8.7|
|superstore|  bread|6.2727| 398.7273|   4.382494922243877| 371.2372241012408|
|superstore| cheese|   6.9|     56.4|0.003103180760279...| 56.37858805275407|
|superstore|   milk|   7.3|     33.5|-0.02401536983669545| 33.67531219980788|
|superstore|   nuts|   6.5|1279.1667| -14.657339160839161|1374.4394045454546|
|superstore| razors|   6.5| 352.3333| -1.9930055944055944|365.28783636363636|
|superstore|   soap|   6.0|      7.2|                -0.1| 7.800000000000001|
Notes by Data Munging Ninja. Generated on nini:/home/willem/sync/20151223_datamungingninja/simplesalesprediction at 2016-06-25 10:02